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0777 373 8241


What is the Alexander Technique?

The Alexander Technique will help you to improve posture and ease of movement and to become more comfortable and present in everything you do. 

The Technique helps with many aspects of life, including:

  • relieving pain

  • improving posture and coordination

  • improving performance in both sports and the arts

  • reducing stress and anxiety

  • increasing confidence

The Alexander Technique will give you the tools to help you to move well and improve your posture and coordination.

Though verbal instruction and guided touch an Alexander Technique teacher will help you to learn how to change unhelpful habits which interfere with your naturally good poise, and re-find your ability to move well with ease and calm.

Posture will improve, pain will ease, you will be able to manage stress and anxiety better improving your performance and becoming more resilient to life challenges.


The Alexander Technique works... I recommend it enthusiastically to anyone who has neck pains or back pain
— Roald Dahl, writer